
The world according to David Hague

Posts Tagged ‘TV

Slaves to ‘The Box’

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I just read a post from a colleague that personally, I found a little sad. It certainly described the death of something, Not a person or even an animal or an ideal.

I am not even sure if there is a word for it to be frank.

What it described was the death of what appears to be the simple act of going anywhere to do anything unless there is a computer screen there of some description. In this case, the simple act of going to the footy, live. There was much rejoicing that the seat at this particular event had its own personal TV monitor built in so you could see the action while you – ah – watched it.

I mean, the whole thing can be seen in glorious 3D and panorama view 50 meters in front of you in a way that no bunch of wires, glass and pixels can ever mimic, so why.

In my opinion, if you need a TV screen at a live event, you may as well stay at home at watch it on Foxtel or Freeview. If you want to be able to see action replays and the like, then set the DVD recorder or PVR so you can watch those bits later when home from the match, race or whatever.

Surely you go to the live event to not just see it, but to soak up the atmosphere and be a part of the whole thing? Not to sit there and be glued to yet another screen, probably while tweeting the results of the match on a blow-by-blow basis.

It is truly sad when the artificial version of something is deemed to be more desirable than the real thing don’t you think?

Written by vbthedog

March 3, 2013 at 3:06 pm

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